Tailored care for your unique skin.

Click on your skin type or concerns in these lists for Sara’s tips to best meet your skin’s unique needs and your personal skin care goals through clinically proven Rhonda Allison products. Rhonda Allison cosmeceutical skin care can be purchased only through a licensed aesthetician.

Products by Skin Concern

Pro Youth

Intrinsic aging is the natural breakdown of collagen and elastin over the passing of time. Cell metabolism slows down, DNA is altered, and glycation occurs. Glycation affects the function and structure of proteins which can cause sagging and wrinkling.

Extrinsic aging is exposure to sun, pollution, stress, and low quality nutrition. Stress can actually cause DNA damage.

It’s important to not over-exfoliate, as well as to feed the skin the nutrients it needs to repair your cells. The dermis is the furthest layer down where all your collagen and elastin production occurs in the skin. Professional products sold by aestheticians and physicians are able to penetrate into the dermis unlike over-the-counter products. Products must get into the dermis in order to inflict change in the skin. The Pro Youth line will give your skin anti-glycation ingredients, stem cells, peptides, growth factors, and retinoids. My clients have received impressive results from using this regimen.



Acne is classified as a genetic disease. However, there are many things that can contribute to acne. Stress, hormones, nutrition, cosmetics with fragrances, dyes, and preservatives, picking and touching, drying products, and abrasive scrubs. To eradicate acne, killing bacteria and reducing sebum is the main goal, plus incorporating wound healing for the inflammation. Products and proper cleansing (go to my videos, watch the one on cleaning your face and order the gauze) as well as treatments to remove scarring and blockages have been successful in achieving beautiful, glowing, disease-free skin. Using fragrance-, dye-, and preservative-free hair care, skin care, and detergents, and changing pillowcases daily, cleaning your cell phone daily, etc. can be the changes you make that assist in clearing your skin. Ingredients that support the clearing of acne are salicylic acid, AHAs (alphahydroxy acids), retinoids, benzol peroxide, and growth factors.

Acne affects about 75% of the population at some time in their life. It can affect the face, back, chest, and arms of people. It is most common in puberty, but adult acne is quite common. Acne is a condition of the oil glands. As the oil glands begin to produce oil, pores get clogged and this causes inflammation that leads to many different kinds of pimples.


Brown Spots

Pigmentation changes are caused from melanocytes being damaged or overstimulated. Pregnancy, birth control pills, sun exposure, picking and scratching, trauma to the skin, rashes, surgical procedures, curling iron burns, etc. can all cause brown spots. Protecting your skin from further damage with a good SPF and Vitamin C product is the most important thing in treating this skin type. Furthermore, using a melanin suppressant product to help lighten the brown spots you currently have and prevent you from getting more of them is of ultimate importance. Partnering that with a retinoid to exfoliate the pigment is a tried and true formula for eliminating pigmentation. Many times you will need professional treatments as well, but I have seen people lighten and get rid of pigment just from the products. The best solution is implementing treatments and products.

Getting rid of and preventing more spots with products and treatments is very important for preventing skin cancer. Cosmetically, it can feel empowering to have your spots lighten up and go away. This can take time to achieve, so give it a good three months of using the products faithfully—specifically, a retinoid and a melanin suppressant, such as Chrono Peptide A, and Natural Mega Brightening Serum. These two products work together to lighten up and exfoliate the pigment. Only use them at night and make sure to get them off in the morning when you clean your face. They can make you more photosensitive since they are corrective active products. Some people only use them 1 to 3 times a week as irritation can develop, depending on your sensitivity level, until you are acclimated to the products. Once you get rid of your brown spots, it’s important to stay on these products because your cells have memory. You want to keep the melanin suppressed so it does not resurface again from your dermis.



The younger you start taking care of your skin the better. Skin care prevents aging and other skin issues from occurring over the years. The teen years are a great time to get going on it so that you can have healthy, beautiful skin your whole life.


Men's Products

Male clients love their skin treatments and products. Everyone can use a little R&R. Men's skin is thicker, oilier, has more facial hair, and is more acidic. It ages in the form of dry skin, wrinkles, and brown spots. What you put on your skin matters: choose wisely.


Products cannot penetrate through a bunch of dead skin. When you are 5 years old and under, your skin cells shed every 7 days. By the time you are 18, it takes 20 to 40 days to shed that same amount of skin. This increases every year, and particularly every decade. That is why regular exfoliation is key. However, proper exfoliation is what makes or breaks it for you. Many products over exfoliate the skin, or can scratch it and cause little red veins. Sara occasionally uses the Clarisonic skin care brush, or mixes cleanser with a scrub a few times a week. Another tactic she likes is using an enzyme once a week.

See Sara’s favorite Rhonda Allison cleansers for every skin type.


Eye Care

Eyes are one of the first areas to show signs of aging. They do not have any oil glands like the rest of the skin, so they need special care. Eye products are designed to specifically hydrate that area, and keep it healthy.



Using a sun protection product is so important in protecting your skin from the harsh elements, especially the sun. We all love sunshine, however, since we've ruined the environment and now we have Ozone depletion, we are getting sun rays we should never have had. Having a good quality sunblock makes a huge difference, reapplying every two hours out in the sun as well as wearing a hat. Sara recommends using sunblock every morning before you leave the house. Even walking through a parking lot or sitting near a lighted window can have serious effects on the skin from the sun.


Masks & Enzymes

One of Sara’s tactics for beautiful skin is using an enzyme once a week. Great to do before a special event where you want to look your best.



A great way to get started with our favorite Rhonda Allison skin care products.


Products by Skin Type

Normal Skin

Normal skin is skin that does not break out or get too dry. It’s all about maintenance and prevention, which are very important as this skin type is known to age the quickest. Getting started on the Pro Youth line is your best defense to maintain your healthy skin.

This is a lucky skin type to be born with. However, preventative maintenance is the key to keeping it this way. I know so many people with normal skin that deteriorates later in life with issues because they didn’t take care of it early on. Don’t neglect your skin—it is your body‘s largest organ, after all.


Combination Skin

Combination skin is skin that is oily in the T-zone area, and dry in the cheeks and jawline. This skin type benefits most from layering different serums and avoiding creams so that you can treat both skin conditions at the same time without breakouts. Many people with this skin type aren’t sure what to use. You can find balance with your skin if you use products that address both issues of oily and dry. That way, you’re not having to switch continuously, or to use certain products in certain areas of the face only.


Dry Skin

If you have this skin type, you are likely convinced that you cannot get enough moisture. With gentle proper exfoliation, and by using an oil and cream that penetrate into the dermis, you will be miraculously satisfied. Moisturizers cannot penetrate through a bunch of dead skin, leaving your skin dry, but you can remedy this through routine gentle exfoliation.


Sensitive Skin

Many factors can cause sensitive skin: strong weather with extreme heat or cold temperatures, sun, wind, humidity, high elevation; medications including prescription drugs, cancer treatment, prescription topicals, or Retin A; medical conditions like auto-immune disease, cancer, and allergies; personal care products including skin care, hair care, detergents, etc. that contain dyes, preservatives, and fragrances.

Using gentle exfoliating products combined with high-quality antioxidants, humectants, and redness neutralizers to protect and heal the moisture barrier is the main goal to eliminate inflammation and increase hydration.

It can be very frustrating to have sensitive skin. The good news is that you can reverse your sensitivities by learning to take proper care of your skin. This includes avoiding things to further irritate it, including unprotected sun exposure. This skin type benefits most from products that repair the moisture barrier and feed the skin the proper nutrients it craves.


“Sara is a highly trained skin care profesional. My skin has changed significantly for the better, and I am so thankful for her expertise!”

— Johana B
collection of rhonda allison skin care products inside porcelain skin treatment room

“I only carry one product line—Rhonda Allison is the only line I believe in. Having worked in medical aesthetics for over twenty years, experience has shown me these are the purest ingredients and the most visible results.”

Sara Blessing

  • Our Formulations

    Transform your skin with science. Porcelain Skin is a licensed distributor for Rhonda Allison, where world-class biochemists are constantly researching and uncovering the latest scientific advancements and next-generation ingredients, as well as new ways of using time-tested proven skin care ingredients.

  • Where Nature Meets Science

    Always looking to nature for inspiration, Porcelain Skin carries the Rhonda Allison product line—blending the best active natural ingredients with highly beneficial scientifically developed compounds, such as: growth factors, peptides, super antioxidants, retinaldehyde, anti-glycation and plant stem cell technology. Sara’s favorite products offer a synergy of superior professional treatments and customized home care, blending nature and science to transform your skin.

  • Free From . . .

    No dyes, artificial coloring, or artificial fragrances. And, at Porcelain Skin, Sara carries the superior Rhonda Allison skin care line, where over 98% of the formulas are paraben free. Essential oils and the scent of plant extracts create the subtle elegant aroma of Sara’s Rhonda Allison product choices. All preservatives are essential oils, plant-derived and free from toxins.

  • No Animal Testing

    Sara has selected the best Rhonda Allison brand products for her customers’ cosmeceutical skin care needs, choosing a research leader with more than 35 years of skin care success. These products blend the best of active, fresh, natural ingredients with highly beneficial, scientifically developed compounds and are committed to cruelty-free testing (on humans—not animals).